Doctor of Sociology, economist, manager, associate professor at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw.
From the start connected with the Polish bank sector, first at the National Bank of Poland in Poznań, then as the co-organizer and Vice-President of Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy SA; in 1997 President of the Skarbiec Investment Funds Company; between 1998 and 2003 President of Bank Pekao SA. The merger of the four banks making up the Pekao S.A. Group which she masterminded, followed by the Bank’s privatization and internal restructuring, made Bank Pekao SA the largest bank in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of equity and one of the more efficiently operating. Between 2008 and 2012 President of the Board of the Corporation of European Pharmaceutical Distribution (CEPD) N.V. headquartered in Amsterdam; now: member of the Supervisory Board of Orange Polska S.A. and of the Policy Council of the Institute of Public Affairs.