Donate 1,5% of your personal income tax for 2022 for the statutory operation of the “Artes Liberales Institute” Foundation, which inspires and supports innovative educational methods, implemented in collaboration with the University of Warsaw.
Express your intent to make a tax-deductible donation by marking the appropriate section of the tax return form “Request to transfer 1,5% of requisite tax to a public benefit organization”.
Name of the Foundation: “Artes Liberales Institute” Foundation
National Court Register (KRS) No.: 0000 145 371
Support the statutory objectives of the “Artes Liberales Institute” Foundation by a money transfer to our account.
Bank PeKaO S.A.
Current account in PLN:
IBAN: PL15 1240 1053 1111 0010 5737 6924
Current account in USD:
IBAN: PL98 1240 1053 1787 0010 5737 7035
Current account in EUR:
IBAN:PL59 1240 1053 1978 0010 5737 7208